Four Requirements to become CKTP:
1 – Complete Day1/2 Seminar (KT1&KT2)
2 – Complete Day3 Seminar (KT3)
3 – Purchase CKTP Exam and Pass
4 – Purchase a KTAI Annual Membership
(Participant will not be eligible for the examination if Day 1 – Day 3 seminars (KT1-KT3) have not been completed. Also, all courses must be present in their account to be eligible for the examination.)
The exam consist of 100 questions, participants have three hours to complete the exam in one sitting. They are given two attempts to get over an 80%. If they do not receive a passing grade of 80% or higher, they are allowed one (1) free retake.
Steps to purchase the CKTP exam provided below:
Go to
Step 1: First and Foremost login into your Kinesio account.Once logged in, you will be redirected to your account page. When you scroll down you will see four sections (workshop, seminar, membership, examination)
Step 2: Scroll to the last section titled EXAMINATION. Then, select Buy Now
After selecting “buy now” the Terms & Conditions will automatically appear.
Before you are able to proceed, you must read and accept the terms and conditions to the CKTP CERTIFICATION MARK LICENSE AGREEMENT. This serves as your signature to the agreement.
Step 3: Read and accept the terms and conditions to the CKTP CERTIFICATION MARK LICENSE AGREEMENT. Then, select submit.
After you have selected submit, the CKTP exam will be added to your cart. You can now proceed to checkout.
Step 4: Select Cart located at the top right of your screen (view all items in your cart).
Then, select place order
Step 5: You will be prompted for your shipping and billing information, then select next.
After you enter your payment information, select pay now as your final step.
Your order has now been completed successfully!